Thursday, August 5, 2010


If you or someone you know is unhappy with the size and shape of their breasts, then a Beverly Hills breast augmentation surgery may be just what you are looking for. This is a popular outpatient surgical procedure that is done all across the world. Many of the world's best and brightest plastic surgeons have chosen to set up camp in the heart of Beverly Hills, California, and find them doing tons of these surgeries each and every week. This procedure is done to enhance the look and overall shape on a womans bustline. This involves inserting a breast implant either under or over the breast muscle to fill out the breast as well as lift the bust. Breast implants come in many different shapes and sizes. Depending on the look you are going for and what you are already working with, the Southern California plastic surgeon may either recommend saline or silicone implants. Saline implants are filled with a saline or salt water solution, whereas the silicone implants are filled with a more gel like material. Both types of implants come in many different sizes and it is important to discuss, in detail, with your surgeon the type of shape and volume you are hoping to acheive. Many enhancement patients adore their results and report feeling happier and more confident than ever. They go on to say that bra and bikini shopping is no longer a chore but a fun experience that they now look forward to!

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